Contact form error

Due to an error in our contactpage we might have not received messages sent to us between Saturday 22nd of June and Thursday noon 27th of June.

If you have messaged in this period of time, please do so again so we can answer all of your questions as soon as possible.

Warm regards

Rita, Etienne & the puppies

June 1st 2013 the pups were born from the combination of Jayncourt Starman – nicknamed Quincy – and Katinka Yochiver – nicknamed Tinka.
Both Tinka and the 9 pups are doing really well. The 4 yellow bitches, 3 yellow dogs, A black bitch and 1 black dog are sleeping, eating, sleeping and sometimes already starting to play.
We welcome you to come and visit the pups, but we kindly ask you to make arrangements first with Etienne and Rita. You can contact them through here.

Labrador Yochiver pupPuppies sleeping side by side



Our old website needed a fresh dash of paint, so we worked hard to get it right!

In the future we will be updating this site a lot faster and more in order to provide you with the best possible info about our Labradors at Yochiver, general info on training with your Labrador or how to feed him.

If you find anything on this site that seems a bit wonky, please do let us know! We tried hard to make most of the content available in English as well. French will be available before the end of summer too.

Questions? Remarks? You know what to do: contact us at our contactpage!

Warm regards,
All labradors at Yochiver, Rita and Etienne.