Today was the big day! The pups are born, today, February 2nd 2015. Between the hours of 7 and 12.30 , Tinka gave birth to 9 of the cuddliest puppies possible. We counted 6 black females, 2 black males and 1 white male. They were pretty strong, weighing between 380 and 450 grams at birth.
Tinka is doing very well: she was calm and gentle the whole time, ate well to keep her strength and took care of her little Labrador puppies like a perfect mother.
At this very moment, the pups are eating well, sleeping sound and making the well known puppysounds now and then.
It will take a few weeks before the puppies can be visited – they need their rest to grow, untill then we hope you can keep up to date by following this website, our Facebookpage, Instagram or Twitter! We invite you to subscribe to our newsletter. This way you can receive news, pictures and video in your mailbox once in a while.
And now, enjoy these first pictures of the puppies by Tinka and Scoter!